January 1, 2023

Welcome to Dover Assembly!

We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.




10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:00 pm ~ Prayer Time



6:30 pm ~ Prayer Time


6:00 pm Worship Practice




Church is open for prayer


6:30 pm ~ Young Adults Bible Study – POSTPONED


8:00 am ~ Men’s Breakfast – POSTPONED DUE TO FAST
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service



Annual Business Meeting

As we prepare for our annual church business meeting on Sunday, Jan. 15, we ask that you pray for the ratification  of our new deacon board candidates. The following have been nominated and have accepted the nomination to run for our 2 open positions.

  • Kurt Geisinger   
  • Gil Tunney


Week of Prayer

The Assemblies of God sets aside the first full week of January as the “week of prayer”. We will meet from 6:30-7:00 each night in the sanctuary for a time of prayer. The focus this year is Awakening! Are we awake to the power of the Holy Spirit? See the insert for the daily topics

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. – Acts 4:31 (NIV)


Men’s Breakfast

The guys will be gong out to breakfast on Saturday, January 7. Meet us at Lyndon Diner at 8:00 and be sure to invite someone to join us!


Women of Purpose Birthday Party

Our annual women’s birthday party is scheduled for Friday, January 13 at 6:00pm in the church fellowship room.  Sign-up sheet is on the table in the upper foyer. Sign up and bring a friend!



Church Cookbook

Ladies! And Gents too! Get those recipes together! We are going to work on putting together a church cookbook with all your favorite recipes.  Please turn them in to Anna. If you would like to be on the ‘cookbook committee’ please see Anna


Ministry Opportunities

Please see Pastor Jeff or Anna if you are interested in serving the Lord in a ministry at Dover Assembly!



Please be sure to check your mailboxes and take anything that is in your slot. If you are able to take some for family or friends that you can deliver, please feel free to help them out.



We are continuing to expand the way we share information through texting. If you would like to receive periodic updates, weather cancellations, church information, encouraging quotes, etc. please fill out a blue card in the pew rack with your name and cell number with the word TEXT. Place it in the offering plate, or hand it to an usher and we will add you to our  ever-growing list.


Snow Cancellations

Should we have the need to cancel any of our services due to   inclement weather, we will put that information on our Facebook page, our website, and the local TV stations [WGAL-CH 8, CBS 21, ABC 27, FOX 43, CW 15]  If you would like to sign up for a TEXT on your cell phone that will indicate the status of our services, please fill out the blue & white card with your name and cell phone number. Please be sure to place them in the offering plates as you leave and we will add you to our list.



Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship.

  • Marian T.
  • Olga K.
  • Beulah S.
  • Mary S.

Homebound Church Family Members ~ as you know, Murina Stough has recently taken on the duty of our Homebound (shut-ins) Coordinator.  Murina and Phil were able to visit with them over the past 2 weeks and their visits were greatly appreciated.  Murina and Phil blessed them with a Christmas gift bag from our church.  In the coming weeks they will be visiting again.  If anyone would like to donate some items to the Homebound Ministry we will love to bless these ladies from time-to-time with gifts from you.  Examples of items they could use: mittens, scarves, lotions, chap sticks, nail polish, a personal note from you, and the list goes on.  Whatever you would like to donate would be a blessing.  Just leave it at the welcome center in the upper foyer and Anna will see to it that bags are made up to give to Murina next time she and Phil make a visit.  Thank you for being a blessing to our homebound family members!