November 12, 2023
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee and donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School-all ages
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:00 pm ~ Deacon Board Meeting
6:00 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT!
6:00 pm ~ Women’s Cookie Exchange
12:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
S.O.S. Ladies – Cookie Exchange
This Friday is our cookie exchange! There are recipe sheets near the sign-up sheet in the upper foyer for you to share your cookie recipes with others! The time is 6:00 pm and we will have a time of coffee and cookies! Please bring a few extra to share for fellowship. Not a cookie baker but would like to attend? That’s okay too! You can join us for the fellowship. Cookie instructions are: bring a dozen; take a dozen. Bring 2 dozen; take 2 dozen. Works really well if you put 6 cookies to a plate as that will give more options for different varieties! Maggie suggests we wear a Christmas sweater or something red/green. See you there!
New Wednesday Evening Bible Study
We have started our new Wednesday Evening Bible Study on the power and voice of God. Along with the Bible, we will be discussing 2 books by Author, Jack Deere. Jack Deere has been used mightily in the gifts of healing and prophecy. Come and hear how the Holy Spirit still desires to use each of us to reach people by the Gifts of the Spirit!
Communion Service
Our next communion will be held next Sun., Nov 19. In order that all workers have the opportunity to participate in Holy Communion, we will have all children, teens and workers in the service. If you want your child or teen to participate in communion, they must sit with you for communion. We will not serve children or teens without parental approval. Thank you!
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Just a reminder that we will be worshiping the Lord and sharing a few testimonies of God’s goodness at our Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday, November 22, 6:30 pm! Carl will be ministering on the piano and Lucas, one of our teens, will be sharing scripture. See you there!
S.O.S. Ladies – Christmas Dinner
Ladies, please join us on Friday, December 1 at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary as we have our annual Christmas dinner with games, fellowship, dinner and special music! Invite a friend to join you! Cost to cover dinner is $5.00 per lady and $10 minimum for a Christmas gift. Please sign up in the upper foyer!
Providence Place
On Wednesday, December 13, 6:30 pm we will meet at the church and head over to Providence Place for an evening of games, gifts and Christmas Carols for the residents there. If you prefer to drive yourself over, we will meet you there. It is such a blessing to minister to our friends at Providence Place.
Christmas Is Coming!
The month of December is right around the corner! Please plan on joining us for all Sundays in December as we have many special solos and duets scheduled. On Sunday, December 10 the R.O.C.K. (Reaching Others through Christ’s Kids) will be presenting their annual Christmas presentation. Please come and support them! Invite a friend as this is a great time to invite family and friends as they hear about the love of Jesus!
Candy Bars!
We have 2 more boxes of candy bars we need to sell. Thank you as you continue to help us bless our teens!
New Life for Girls Christmas Blessings
Deadline for UNWRAPPED donations is Wed Dec. 13
Shoe Box Donations
Deadline for filled boxes is Sun. Nov. 19 Please attach $10 per box for shipping.
Homebound Ministry
Thank you all so much for the donations for our Homebound church family! We are getting enough items to do a Thanksgiving and a Christmas bag for each lady!
- Marian T.
- Olga K.
- Beulah S.
- Mary S.
- Rose K.
Nov 17 ~ SOS Cookie Exchange
Nov 19 ~ Communion
Nov 22 ~ Thanksgiving Eve Service
Nov 23-24 ~ Thanksgiving-Office Closed
Dec 1 ~ SOS Christmas Dinner
Dec 4 ~ Deacon Board Meeting
Dec 7 ~ Men’s Christmas Dinner
Dec 9 ~ Kid’s Christmas Play Rehearsal
Dec 10 ~ Kid’s Christmas Play-No Children’s SS
Dec 13 ~ Caroling at Providence Place
Dec 15 ~ Deacon Christmas Dinner
Dec 24 ~ Christmas Eve Service & Communion, No Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, 6:00 pm Candlelight Service
Dec 25 ~ Christmas Day
Dec 27 ~ No Services
Dec 31 ~ New Years Eve Day – No Sunday School, 10:30 worship only