December 31, 2023

Welcome to Dover Assembly!

We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.




10:00 am ~ Worship Service
10:00 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service


6:00 pm ~ Worship Practice




2:00 pm ~ Marian’s Celebration of Life Service



21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Plan on joining us for our 21 days of prayer and fasting.  We will begin at sun-up on Mon., Jan 1, 2024 until sun-down each day through Sun., Jan. 21.  We are having a 6:00 pm service on Sun., Jan. 21 to end the prayer and fasting with a time of worship, communion and food and fellowship.  Please sign up in the lower foyer if you plan on attending the Jan. 21, 6:00 pm celebration!


New Life for Girls

New Life will be ministering to us on Sunday, January 28 during our 10:30 am worship service. We will have a light luncheon following in the fellowship room.  Please sign up on the sign-up sheet in lower foyer if you plan on joining us for lunch with the New Life for Girls team.


SOS Annual Birthday Party

Our annual birthday party will be held on Friday, January 26, 6:00 pm in the fellowship room.  Please sign up in the upper  foyer!  Cover charge is $5 per person.  We will have a potato bar so please sign up for what you can bring that is on the   sign-up list.  If you have any questions, please see  Anna.


Week of Prayer

Mark your calendars for week of prayer beginning Jan 7 through Jan 11. Please see the insert for the specific things that we want to focus on this year.


Wednesday Evening Bible Study

We will continue our Wednesday Evening Bible Study on January 3. We are studying the Gifts of the Spirit and the power and voice of God.  Along with the Bible, we will be discussing 2 books by Author, Jack Deere. Jack Deere has been used mightily in the gifts of healing and prophecy. Come and hear how the Holy Spirit still desires to use each of us to reach people by the Gifts of the Spirit!


Marian Tunney

A celebration of life service will be held here at the church on Sat. Jan 6 at 2:00 pm  (doors open at 1:30) followed by a luncheon. If you plan on attending the service and staying for the luncheon, please sign up at the Women’s table in the upper foyer.



Special Thanks!

Dear Sisters-of-Sonlight ~ I just want to say ‘thank you’ for the beautiful Breighton watch and necklace that you ladies blessed me with for Christmas.  It is such a privilege to serve along with each and every one of you.  I Love You, Anna

Dear Dover A/G and Deacon Board – Anna and I want to thank you for the Christmas blessing you presented to us last week.  We are so blessed to be serving with you at Dover Assembly!  To God be the Glory!


Box for Brock – Last Week to Donate!

As many of you know, Diane’s son, Brock, has been deployed to Syria. We would like to bless him with some items he could use. There is a box in the upper foyer where you can put any items you would like to bless him with.  Some items greatly needed are: soups with meats and/or veggies that do not need water added (think pop tops); canned fruit; canned vegetables; canned meats such as Swanson canned chicken; canned tuna in water. (will need a can opener sent along). Sweet treats for him and that he can share with the men. [NO CHOCOLATE] Generic Zyrtec;  toothpaste; Pepto-Bismol chewables; intensive care-type lotions; bath towels; bathroom wipes, etc.  Anything you might think of and are not sure we can send, please see Diane.  She will be able to let you know what can and cannot be sent.  Once our Box for Brock is full, we as a church will ship it to him.  Thinking of you cards would be nice.


Annual Business Meeting

As we prepare for our annual church business meeting on Sunday, Jan. 17, we ask that you pray for the ratification of our new deacon board candidates. The following have been nominated and have accepted the nomination to run for our 2 open positions.

  • Mark Crumrine
  • Paul Jones


Year-End Giving

Please remember to be faithful in the giving of your tithes and offerings during this time of year. As the economy continues to shift and change, our God does not. He is our provider and will always be faithful in providing our needs if we are faithful in our obedience to Him. Also, to be sure that your giving is recorded in 2023, it needs to be received by TODAY. Thank you for your faithfulness!!


Snow Cancellations

Should we have the need to cancel any of our services due to inclement weather, we will put that information on our Facebook page, our website, and the local TV stations [WGAL-CH 8, CBS 21, ABC 27, FOX 43, CW 15]  If you would like to sign up for a TEXT on your cell phone that will indicate the status of our services, please fill out the blue & white card with your name and cell phone number. Please be sure to place them in the offering plates as you leave and we will add you to our list.



We are continuing to expand the way we share information through texting. If you would like to receive periodic updates,  weather cancellations, church information, encouraging quotes, etc. please fill out a blue card in the pew rack with your name and cell number with the word TEXT. Place it in the   offering plate, or hand it to an usher and we will add you to our  ever-growing list.


Homebound Ministry

Thank you all so much for the donations for our Homebound church family!

  • Kathy Jo G.
  • Olga K.
  • Beulah S.
  • Mary S.
  • Rose K.



Jan 1 ~ Hudson E.
Jan 3 ~ Marlin F.
Jan 9 ~ Gene K.
Jan 12 ~ Kyler K.
Jan 12 ~ Lincoln J.
Jan 13 ~ Jeff S.
Jan 14 ~ Braedyn S.
Jan 17 ~ Dayanna C.
Jan 19 ~ Murina S.
Jan 19 ~ Ryland (RJ) S.
Jan 24 ~ Chris G.
Jan 30 ~ Elliot B.



Jan 1-21 ~ 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
Jan 6 ~ Celebration of Life Service for Marian
Jan 7-11 ~ Week of Prayer
Jan 17 ~ Business Meeting
Jan 21 ~ 6:00 pm Worship/Communion Celebrating the Ending of Prayer/Fasting
Jan 26 ~ SOS Annual BD Party
Jan 28 ~ New Life for Girls / Luncheon