February 25, 2024
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
8:00 am ~ Men’s Breakfast-Lyndon Diner
SOS Outreach
Our SOS Ministry is overseeing an Easter craft night at Providence Place on Wed., March 6, starting at 6:30 pm. Please sign up in the upper foyer if you can join Anna and the ladies!
Men’s Breakfast
The guys will be meeting for breakfast on Saturday, March 2 at Lyndon Diner. Sign up in the lower foyer and be sure to bring a friend!
Palm Sunday
March 24, we will observe Communion in the morning worship service.
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, March 24, Palm Sunday – donations of large plastic eggs and candies that will fit inside the eggs.There is a bucket in the upper foyer for any donations you can provide for the kids! Thank you in advance. Egg Hunt immediately following morning worship service.
Easter Sunday Sonrise Service
Pastor Jeff will be participating in the annual Sonrise Service held at Pinchot Park near the lake. Service will begin at 7:00 am. This is a great time to enjoy God’s outdoors and to invite a friend! Be sure to bring a lawn chair.
Easter Sunday
Sunday, March 31, – please plan on joining us. This is a perfect time to invite a family member or friends who do not know the Lord!
Free Books
Pastor Jeff is thinning out his library of Christian books and resources. If you would like to read them. Please feel free to take one before you leave. They are located on the table outside the sanctuary by the nursery.
Thank You!
To everyone who donated to and/or attended the youth spaghetti fundraiser. It’s always a great fundraiser for the teens to pay for the annual youth convention. With your help, the teens raised $700 towards this years’ Convention!
In Sympathy
To June Tolbert and family on the passing of her sister, Brenda Fisk, this past Sunday. Please keep June in your prayers.
Daylight Savings Time
Two weeks from today, March 10 is the day we turn our clocks ahead one hour. Be sure to mark your calendars, set your smart phones and put a sticky note on your fridge! Don’t want to be late!
Water Baptism
If you are interested in being water baptized, please complete the form found at the information desk and return it to Pastor Jeff or Anna. The baptism date will be announced once we have candidates.
Faith Promise
Just a reminder to those who have signed up to support our faith pledge giving (which involves paying off the debt incurred to replace the AC units and the roof on the church) to please continue to give so we can erase this monthly payment. Thank you for your continued support.
Homebound Ministry
Our Homebound ladies are having birthdays in the next few months. Please remember them with a card or small gift. If you prefer, you can donate small items to the BD box in the lower foyer that we will divide amongst them for each birthday. Small items such as ChapStick, nail polish, hand lotion, mints, etc. would be a blessing to them. March Homebound birthdays are Beulah on March 9 and Mary on March 17. Thank you for remembering our faithful servants who cannot join us physically at church at this time.
- Kathy Jo G.
- Olga K.
- Beulah S.
- Mary S
- Rose K.
March 3 ~ Reid Vought
March 6 ~ Jen Landis
March 7 ~ Robin Kurtz
March 9 ~ Beulah Shellenberger
March 17 ~ Mary Stephens
March 18 ~ Angel Landis
March 18 ~ Sierra Williams
March 19 ~ Sherry Sheely
March 20 ~ June Tolbert
March 22 ~ Lee Jones
March 24 ~ Carter Kurtz
March 25 ~ Todd Miller
March 26 ~ Brenda Milller
March 28 ~ Mark Shoemaker
March 30 ~ Gil Tunney
March 6 ~ Chad & Angel Landis