March 31, 2024

Welcome to Dover Assembly!

We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.



  • 7:00 am Sonrise Service @ Pinchot Park
  • 9:00 am Coffee & Donuts
  • 9:30 am Sunday School
  • 10:30 am Worship Service
  • 10:30 am R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
  • 1:00 pm Spanish Service



  • 6:00 PM Deacon Board Meeting


6:00 PM   Worship Practice


6:30 PM   Family Night Services


6:30 PM  Men’s Dinner @ Hoss’s



Men’s Dinner

The guys will be going to Hoss’s for dinner, this Thursday, April 4 at 6:30. Sign up in the lower foyer and bring a friend!

Sisters Of Sonlight

On Friday, April 12, the ladies will meet at Bob Evans at 6:00pm for dinner. Please sign up in the upper foyer at the SOS table! Invite a friend! Hope to see you there.



If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior and have never been water baptized, now is the time to follow the Lord in baptism.  Why be water baptized? Water baptism is an outward declaration that we have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and are now in union with Him. It involves the spiritual and symbolic act of us going under water and rising up again.  If this is you, don’t delay in following the Lord in this important declaration of your faith! Please complete a water baptism form and give it to Pastor Jeff or Anna or to any usher.

Faith Promise 

Just a reminder to those who have signed up to support our faith pledge giving (which involves paying off the debt incurred to replace the AC units and the roof on the church) to please continue to give so we can erase this monthly payment. Thank you for your continued support.


It’s that time! VBS will be here before we know it. June 9-12, 6:30-8:00pm. See the insert for more details. Thank you for any donations you can provide to help offset the cost of our VBS!

VBS & Clearances

If you plan on volunteering for VBS this year and need your volunteer clearances, or you need your clearances updated, please see Jesse G and she will assist you in obtaining them. There is no charge for volunteer clearances, but we have to have them current for our upcoming VBS


If you would like to purchase of the daffodils for $5 following this morning’s service, please put your money and name on an envelope and place in the offering.

In Sympathy 

Please pray for Phil, Murina and their family at the recent passing of Phil’s brother in law, Gary B.

Special Thanks

Thank you to June for arranging the flowers by the stairs and for some outdoor “landscaping”!



Thank you for remembering our faithful servants who cannot join us physically at church at this time.

  • Beulah S.
  • Kathy Jo G.
  • Mary S.
  • Olga K.
  • Rose K.



  • April 3                 Brie K
  • April 4                 Connie L
  • April 4                 Steve B
  • April 5                 Jalon J
  • April 8                 Paul J
  • April 11               Rosy N
  • April 19               Anna B
  • April 22               Paislee M
  • April 23               Kathy Jo G
  • April 25               Pastor Luis
  • April 30               Frankie K