March 24, 2024
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
- 9:00 am Coffee & Donuts
- 9:30 am Sunday School
- 10:30 am Worship Service
- 10:30 am R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
- 1:00 pm Spanish Service
Happy Birthday Carter K
Thank you for joining us today for Palm Sunday. Our prayer is that you are blessed by something that is said or done today as we worship the Lord in song, Communion and God’s Word. Our R.O.C.K. children will be waving palm branches this morning. The palms are a reminder of Victory; Jesus conquered death for us to have a chance of salvation through Him!
(Matthew 21:9)
“Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest!”
Reminder ~ Easter Egg Hunt outside for all children through Grade 6 immediately following this morning’s church service.
We will have 2 groups:
1st group is NB through Kindergarten
2nd group is Grades 1-6
Happy Birthday Todd M
6:00 PM Worship Practice
Happy Birthday Brenda M
6:30 PM Family Night Services
6:00 PM Prayer Night
Happy Birthday Mark S
Happy Birthday Gil T
Easter Sunday
Sunday, Mar 31-please plan on joining us. This is a perfect time to invite a family member or friends who do not know the Lord!
Easter Sunday Sonrise Service
Pastor Jeff will be sharing the Easter message in the annual Sonrise Service held at Pinchot Park near the lake. Service will begin at 7 AM. This is a great time to enjoy God’s outdoors & to invite a friend. Be sure to bring a lawn chair and a blanket.
Prayer & Fast Days…Please Note Time Change
Each month on the second and fourth Thursday evenings, we have prayer night at the church. Thank you to those of you who so faithfully attend these prayer meetings. Beginning this Thursday, we will begin fasting and praying throughout the day and then join together for prayer. Please note that we are changing the time of these prayer nights from 6:30 TO 6:00 pm. Please join us as we worship the Lord and bring our requests before Him for salvations, healings, church property and much more! Jehovah-Nissi! Our Banner! Our Victory!
1 Thess 5:17 Keep on praying. NLT
Easter Sunday Sonrise Service
Pastor Jeff will be sharing the Easter message in the annual Sonrise Service held at Pinchot Park near the lake. Service will begin at 7:00 am. This is a great time to enjoy God’s outdoors and to invite a friend! Be sure to bring a lawn chair and a blanket.
Sisters Of Sonlight
On Friday, April 12, the ladies will meet at Bob Evans at 6:00pm for dinner. Please sign up in the upper foyer at the SOS table! Invite a friend! Hope to see you there.
Thank You
Thank you to Paul J, Kurt G, Mark S & Kris J for all the work they have been doing to get the televisions and programs on the platform up and running. We are blessed to be able to see the beautiful cross that Dick & Brenda S purchased for the church many years ago.
In Sympathy
Our sympathies to Missy Bell and her family over the recent passing of their family member, Jayden.
We will have Daffodils on the platform for Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. If you would like to purchase one for $5 following our Easter service, please put your name on a card and place in the offering. Anna will be in touch with you.
Water Baptism
If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior and have never been water baptized, now is the time to follow the Lord in baptism. Why be water baptized? Water baptism is an outward declaration that we have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and are now in union with Him. It involves the spiritual and symbolic act of us going under water and rising up again. If this is you, don’t delay in following the Lord in this important declaration of your faith! Please complete a water baptism form and give it to Pastor Jeff or Anna or to any usher.
Faith Promise
Just a reminder to those who have signed up to support our faith pledge giving (which involves paying off the debt incurred to replace the AC units and the roof on the church) to please continue to give so we can erase this monthly payment. Thank you for your continued support.
It’s that time! VBS will be here before we know it. June 9-12, 6:30-8:00pm. See the insert for more details. Thank you for any donations you can provide to help offset the cost of our VBS!
VBS & Clearances
If you plan on volunteering for VBS this year and need your volunteer clearances, or you need your clearances updated, please see Jesse Geisinger and she will assist you in obtaining them. There is no charge for volunteer clearances, but we have to have them current for our upcoming VBS
Thank you for remembering our faithful servants who cannot join us physically at church at this time.
- Beulah S.
- Kathy Jo G.
- Mary S.
- Olga K.
- Rose K.