June 30, 2024
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
- 9:00 am Coffee & Donuts
- 9:30 am Sunday School
- 10:30 am Worship Service
- 10:30 am R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
- 1:00 pm Spanish Service
- 6:00 PM Deacon Board Meeting
- 6:00 PM Worship Practice
- 6:30 PM Family Night
- Men’s Breakfast @ Round the Clock
- 9:00 AM Spanish Services
Men’s Breakfast
The guys will be convening at Round the Clock Diner, this Saturday, July 6 at 8:00 AM for our monthly breakfast. Sign up in the lower foyer. All men and boys are invited!
Prayer Request
Please keep Pastor and Anna and their family in prayer for safe travels as they travel back from Florida today.
Summer Fefresher
Our annual Sisters of Sonlight Summer Refresher will be held on Fri., July 19, 6:00 pm at Marlene Kroft’s home. Please sign up at the women’s table in the upper foyer and indicate what side you can bring. We will provide the sandwiches.
S.O.S. Summer Book Club
Our annual Book Club fellowship will be held at Darlene Osborn’s home on Fri., Aug. 9, 6:00 p.m. We are reading the book, ‘She is Free’ by Andi Andrew. Pizza and salad will be provided, please sign up in the upper foyer and indicate what ice cream items you can bring.
HOTDOG Grab-N-Go (Change of Date)
Please note the youth group Grab ‘N Go is being moved from Sun., June 23 to Sunday, July 7. Thank you for making note of it. Donations being accepted. Hot Dogs / Buns / individual bags of chips / waters / sodas – please see Josiah or Sierra for more details.
Wednesdays – The Chosen
Season 4 of The Chosen is now available. Beginning Wed., July 3, we will watch the first session and then continue to watch a session each Wednesday until we complete the season. This season of The Chosen is awesome! You don’t want to miss it. Please plan on joining us!
Movie Night
Our second Sight and Sound Movie Night is Friday, July 12, 6:00 pm. We will start in the fellowship room with pizza and salad, then move to the ROCK Room for popcorn, chocolate and the showing of the movie NOAH!
Child care will be provided so please indicate how many children need child care and their ages. Children 10 and over are welcome to join us watching the movie as long as they are quiet and really want to watch the movie.
Sign-up sheet is in the lower foyer, please sign up if you can join us! Cost to cover the meal is $5 per person, children 10 and under are no charge.
Church Directory
Photos, (tentatively) Sat., Sept. 21 and Sat., Sept. 28
Taco Night
All-Church Taco Night, Fri., Oct. 18, 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm / more information will be provided.
Back to School Bash
In the lower foyer you will see a bucket for school supply donations. Items needed: Number 2 pencils / ink pens / erasers (for pencil tops and other types) / scissors / Elmer’s glue / Glue sticks / plastic pencil boxes / crayons / wooden rulers / folders (3 hole pocket folders) / toothbrushes and toothpaste / hand sanitizers (small). We will also be collecting non-perishables to share with community families as their children start back to school. You will see a donation bucket in the lower foyer.
- Sat., July 6, 8:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast at Round-the-Clock Diner
- Sun., July 7, Following Church Youth Hot Dog Garb ‘n Go
- Fri., July 19, 6:00 pm S.O.S. Summer Refresher @ Marlene’s K’s
- Thurs., Aug. 1, 6:30 pm Men’s Dinner @ Quaker Steak ‘N Lube
- Sat., Aug. 3 Tentative: Back-to-School Bash
- Fri., July 12, 6:00 pm Movie Night Sight and Sound’s production of NOAH
- Fri., Aug. 9, 6:00 pm S.O.S. Book Club Fellowship @ Darlene O’s
- Sat., Sept. 7, 8:00 am Men’s Breakfast, Lyndon Diner
- Fri., Sept. 13, 6:00 pm S.O.S. women’s evening in-house retreat
- Sat., Sept. 21 and 28 Church Directory photos
- Sun., Sept.29, 6:00 p.m. Worship Night
- Fri., Oct. 4, 6:30 pm Men’s Get-Together
- Fri., Oct. 11, 6:00 pm S.O.S. ladies ~ Isaac’s
- Fri., Oct. 18, 6:00 pm All-Church Taco and Game Night
*More Info Coming . . .
Thank you for remembering our faithful servants who cannot join us physically at church at this time.
- Beulah S.
- Mary S.
- Olga K.
- Rose K.
- June 30 Jesse G
- July 3 Jamie Colon
- July 5 Josiah Williams
- July 9 Elijah Eckenrode
- July 11 Taylor Jati
- July 11 Elias (Eli) Colon
- July 20 Juliet Johnson
- July 22 Noah Nunez
- July 23 Kevin Nunez
- July 26 Mary Fitting
- July 26 Kendra Ingram