August 04, 2024
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
- 9:00 am Coffee & Donuts
- 9:30 am Sunday School
- 10:30 am Worship Service
- 10:30 am R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
- 1:00 pm Spanish Service
- 6:00 PM Board Meeting
- 6:30 PM Family Night
- 6:00 PM Prayer Time
- 6:00 PM SOS Book Club
S.O.S. Summer Book Club ”She Is Free” by Andi Andrew
Please note the location of the fellowship has been changed and will now be held at Jesse G’s home. Date is still the same of Fri., Aug. 9, 6:00 pm. See you there!
S.O.S. IN-HOUSE RETREAT ~ ‘It is Well’
Please join us for a time of worship, God’s Word and prayer on Friday, September 13, beginning with dinner at 6:00 pm. Following dinner, we will have a time of fellowship, praise and worship, hearing the Word of God and a time of prayer for needs. This retreat will take place right here at Dover Assembly in the sanctuary. Please sign up in the upper foyer at the women’s table and join us for this time of refreshing.
The guys will be meeting on Sat., Sept. 7, 8:00 am at Lyndon Diner. Please sign up in the lower foyer.
Church Directory
Please sign up in the lower foyer the Saturday you are able to come to the church to have your picture taken for the new church directory. Please indicate a time you are available for your photos.
Sign-ups for dates and times for photo sessions are listed on the sign-up sheet. Please indicate what day and time you would like to have your photo taken. Remember, the church directory photo is at no charge to you, however, if you would like to order a photo package you may do so through CoreSpring Productions.
Taco Night
All-Church Taco Night, Fri., Oct. 18, 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm / more information will be provided.
The 2024 PennDel Young Adults Retreat is going to be incredible! We invite you to join us November 1st through 3rd at the Bongiorno Conference Center for a weekend of connecting with friends and seeking God. There will be fun games, practical breakouts, and powerful worship services. The cost is $99 and scholarships are available. We are believing for a move of God in our young adults across PennDel! Please sign up on the sheet in the lower foyer if you are interested.
Please join us on Sun., Sept. 29 at 6:00 pm for an evening of praise and worship right here in our sanctuary! You won’t want to miss it! Come and see what the Lord is doing!
Fri., Oct. 4, 6:30 pm at Kurt G’s home. There will be grilling! Come hungry! Invite a friend. This is a great time to bring someone who isn’t a church-goer. Let them see what a great time the men have fellowshipping together!
Are being moved from Tuesdays to the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. Prayer Nights will remain on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays, unless for unforeseen circumstances we would have to move a night or two, we will notify you.
In September will be held on Thurs., Sept. 5 and Thurs. Sept. 19 due to a scheduling conflict. All other prayer nights will be as usual on the second and fourth Thursdays.
Beginning Sun., Sept. 1, 2024
PK4, PK5 and Kindergarten – Bonita M, Teacher and Jesse G., Assistant Teacher
Grades 1, 2 and 3 – Murina S, Teacher and Phil S, Assistant Teacher
Grades 4 and 5 ~ Diane C, Teacher and Taylor J, Assistant Teacher
- Fri., Aug. 9, 6:00 pm S.O.S. Book Club Fellowship @ Jesse G’s
- Sat., Sept. 7, 8:00 am Men’s Breakfast, Lyndon Diner
- Fri., Sept. 13, 6:00 pm S.O.S. women’s evening in-house retreat
- Sat., Sept. 21 and 28 Church Directory photos
- Sun., Sept.29, 6:00 p.m. Worship Night
- Fri., Oct. 4, 6:30 pm Men’s Get-Together
- Fri., Oct. 11, 6:00 pm S.O.S. ladies ~ Isaac’s
- Fri., Oct. 18, 6:00 pm All-Church Taco and Game Night
- Fri. – Sat., Nov 8-9 Women’s Conference
Thank you for remembering our faithful servants who cannot join us physically at church at this time.
- Beulah S.
- Mary S.
- Olga K.
- Rose K.
- Aug 4 Larken J
- Aug 4 Angela S
- Aug 9 Phil S
- Aug 12 Samuel G
- Aug 13 Katie J
- Aug 15 Tom O
- Aug 20 Enza B
- Aug 26 Flo Z
- Aug 28 Jason J
- Aug 11 Ken & Sherry S
- Aug 15 Phil & Murina S
- Aug 27 Joshua & Tabitha K
- Aug 30 Paul & Lee J