March 5, 2023

Welcome to Dover Assembly!

We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.




9:00 am ~ Coffee and Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School-all ages
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service


6:00 pm ~ Deacon Board Meeting
6:30 pm ~ Women’s Bible Study


12:30 pm ~ Bible Release
6:30 pm ~ Worship Practice




12:30 pm ~ Bible Release


6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service



Women’s Bible Study

Please join us as Judy teaches on the 5 heavenly crowns. The study begins tomorrow, Monday, March 6 at 6:30-7:30 pm and runs through Monday April 10. Please sign up in the upper foyer.


Daylight Saving Time

Next week, March 12th is the day we turn our clocks ahead one hour. Be sure to mark your calendars, set your smart phones and put a sticky note on your fridge! Don’t want to be late!



Yes, it’s that time again! We anticipate a great crowd this year and are preparing for it now. The dates are June 11-14 and we will need all hands on deck to be able to minister to the kids! Please sign up in the upper foyer if you are able to be a part of our VBS team!. You will also see a display of crafts and supplies that we will need and a bucket for your donations. Start praying now that God will reach many children this year with the love of Christ! Any questions, see Jesse or Anna!


Easter Egg Hunt – Donations Needed!

Resurrection Day (Easter) is fast approaching, we are planning our annual egg hunt for the children. It will be held on Palm  Sunday April 2, following the morning service. We are in need of 3” plastic eggs and small candies to fit in the eggs. There is a bucket in the foyer for your donations. Thank you in advance!


Easter Sunday Sonrise Service

Pastor Jeff will be participating in the annual Sonrise Service held at Pinchot Park near the lake. Service will begin at 7:00 am. This is a great time to enjoy God’s outdoors and to invite a friend! Be sure to bring a lawn chair.


Women’s Spring Tour

The women’s “Created for a Purpose Tour” is being held in  Pittsburgh this year. Instead of attending in person, we will live-stream it in our church. The date is Saturday, April 1. The cost to attend the live-stream is only $15.  Everyone is invited to attend. Please sign up at the women’s table in the Upper Foyer and indicate if you need childcare. Questions? See Anna!


Women’s Dinner

Our ladies will be going to Bob Evans on Friday, April 14 at 6:00 pm for a great time of fellowship and food! Sign up in the upper foyer if you are able to join them. And invite a friend to go with you!



New Class

If you are interested in a class geared to new or young believers, Anna & I are beginning an 8 week Sunday morning class called “First Steps”. It will focus on the basics of the faith and what happens next in your walk with God. The class begins NEXT Sunday March 12 during Sunday School time. If you would be  interested in this class, please sign up in the lower foyer.


Easter Offering

Every Easter, Pastor Jeff and the Deacon Board earmark a special project to highlight our special offering. This offering would be over and above your current tithes. After a time of prayer and conversation, we have decided that this year’s special offering will be designated to pay off our existing debt that was incurred with the new church roof and parking lot renovation. Please be in prayer about partnering with us to eliminate our this debt. We will receive this offering on Easter Sunday April 9. Easter offering   envelopes will be provided.



Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship.

  • Marian T.
  • Olga K.
  • Beulah S.
  • Mary S.
  • Rose K.

SPECIAL NOTE: Beulah will be 100 years old on March 9. Pastor Jeff and Anna would like everyone to get a happy birthday card for her, fill it out and bring it to church this week. The family is having a party for her on the 11th. Pastor will deliver them to her on that day.