May 14, 2023

Welcome to Dover Assembly!

We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.



Sunday – Happy Mother’s Day!

9:00 am ~ Coffee and donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School-all ages
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service


6:30 pm ~ Worship Practice


~ Youth & Parent Meeting


6:00 pm ~ Camp Out


6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service



Camp Out!

Have a camper? RV? Tent? Like to camp out?  Then we have the night for you! Join us on Friday evening, May 19 through Saturday morning, May 20 as we cook out, sing campfire songs and more!  For those who prefer to ‘bunk indoors’ we have a plan for you to do that!  Please sign up in the lower foyer.  For more information please see Gary and Connie Landis!


VBS Volunteer Meeting

If you have signed up to be a volunteer or would still like to volunteer for VBS there will be a meeting during Sunday School in the R.O.C.K. room on May 21st. You will receive your VBS schedule and other important details. Current ChildLine and State Police Clearances are required to volunteer. If you need assistance for those please see Jesse or Kurt.



Yes, it’s that time again! We anticipate a great crowd this year and are preparing for it now. The dates are June 11-14 and we will need all hands on deck to be able to minister to the kids! Please sign up in the upper foyer if you are able to be a part of our VBS team!. You will also see a display of crafts and supplies that we will need and a bucket for your donations. Start praying now that God will reach many children this year with the love of Christ! Any questions, see Jesse or Anna!

Please be sure to register your child(ren)

We will need to be sure all staff have current clearances and we will assist those who need theirs.


Graduation Luncheon – Save the Date!

Congratulations to our graduates!  Please mark your calendars and sign up in the lower foyer for a light luncheon following the morning service on Sun., June 4 as we celebrate our recent graduates 2023!

  • Noah Landis – graduating
  • Alyssa Fahnestock (Brooke Stough’s daughter)
  • Taylor Jati, College Graduate
  • Christopher Jones, College Graduate


Sunday School Update (Pre K through Grade 5)

Beginning Sunday, June 4

PK and Kindergarten

  • Teacher: Bonita Miller / Assistant: Jesse Geisinger

Grade 1 through Grade 5

  • Teacher: Anna Bender / Assistant – Murina Stough


Baby Shower – Save the Date!

It’s A Girl! ~ On Sat., July 15, 11;00 am – 1:00 pm we will have a baby shower for Sierra Williams!  Please mark your calendars and sign up in the upper foyer WOP table if you can attend. More information regarding where Sierra will be registered will be provided soon.


Youth Fund

We are trying to replenish our youth fund. If you would like to make a donation to help out the teens, please write ‘youth fund’ on an envelope in the pew and place in the offering. Thank you!


Dover YTH Upcoming Events

  • Wed May 17: Parent Meeting with teens in youth room.
  • Sun May 21: Hot Dog Grab n’ Go

Donations needed: Hot dogs, Buns, Condiments, Individual bags of chips, Cans of soda




Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship.

  • Marian T.
  • Olga K.
  • Beulah S.
  • Mary S.
  • Rose K.
  • Kathy Jo G. (temporarily homebound)


In Sympathy

  • To Darlene Osborn in the homegoing of her nephew, Scott Wonders, last weekend. Keep Darlene and the family in prayer.
  • To Maggie Tate at the loss of her grandfather, Leo Tate, Sr. on May 8. Please keep the Tate family in prayer.