June 11, 2023
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee and donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School-all ages
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ VBS STARTS!
6:30 pm ~ VBS!!
6:30 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
Summer Video Series
Starting on Wednesday, June 21, our Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study class will begin showing the video series “The Chosen”. Join us as we watch this dramatization of the Life of Jesus through the eyes of the disciples.
Is HERE! Thank you to those who have pre-registered. If you are not registered yet, you can still pre-register at: doverassembly.com/vbs
Baby Shower – It’s Pink!
On Sat., July 15, 11;00 am – 1:00 pm we will have a baby shower for Sierra Williams! Please mark your calendars and sign up in the upper foyer WOP table. Sierra is registered at Walmart and Target! See you there!
Next Sunday, June 18th – Father’s Day!
Please join us for Father’s Day as we honor the men of the church and dedicate Jamie, Elias and Ezraella Colon to the Lord!
Men’s Breakfast
Join the men as we meet at Lyndon Diner on Saturday, July 8 for our monthly fellowship / breakfast. It is a great time to invite a friend. Sign up in the lower foyer!
Our next scheduled communion service will be Sunday, July 16 during our 10:30 service.
S.O.S. Yard Sale
The women will be sponsoring a yard sale for all who are interested on Saturday, July 22. The cost will be $10.00 per spot and will be held in the parking lot from 7:00 am — 11:00 am. All the proceeds you make will be yours. The church will also have a table or two with all proceeds from the church table going to the Women’s Fund.
Dover YTH Hot Dog Grab N Go
Our next date for the Hot Dog Grab n Go is scheduled for Sunday, August 27 following the morning service. Donations are always appreciated! [Chips, dogs, buns, sodas, water, ice & condiments). Come hungry!
Coming Soon!
Our Sisters of Sonlight women’s ministries will be having their annual Summer Book Club reading. Stay tuned for more information!
Township Meeting Update
The meeting held last Monday with the developer and the engineer did not give us any new information. There are still many hurdles that the township has to overcome before the plan proceeds. We will let you know when any new information becomes available.
Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship.
- Marian T.
- Olga K.
- Beulah S.
- Mary S.
- Rose K.