July 23, 2023

Welcome to Dover Assembly!

We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.




9:00 am ~ Coffee and donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School-all ages
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service


6:30 pm ~ Worship Practice


6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT!


6:30 pm ~ Prayer Time


6:00 pm ~ Summer Refresher


6:30 pm ~ Youth Bowling
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service



Summer Video Series

Continuing this Wednesday, our Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study class will be showing the video series “The  Chosen”. Join us as we watch this dramatization of the Life of Jesus through the eyes of the disciples.


Men’s Dinner

The guys will be meeting at Cheddar’s restaurant on Thursday, Aug 3 at 6:30 for a good time of food and fellowship. Please sign up in the lower foyer. See ya there!


All Church Picnic – Save the Date!

Our annual church picnic will be at Brookside Park Carousel on Saturday, Sept 9, at 1:00. Mark your calendars and plan on joining us for this day of fun and excitement. Please sign up in the lower foyer! See you there!


Sisters of Sonlight – Save the Date!

We are moving our Fri., Sept. 8 in-house mini-retreat to Fri., Oct. 13.  (we will cancel the Olive Garden dinner currently scheduled for Oct. 13).  More info will be coming.


Sisters of Sonlight Summer Refresher


Will be held this Friday, July 28, 6:00 p.m. at Diane Crumrine’s house. Cuisine will be salad, fruit & ice cream. Please sign up in the upper foyer at the women’s table and indicate what you can bring.  See you there ‘sisters’!


Sisters of Sonlight Summer Book Club

Our summer book club fellowship will be held on Friday, August 25, 6:00 p.m. at Jesse Geisinger’s house.  Please sign up in the upper foyer at the women’s table if you would like to join us.  The book we will be reading is entitled, ‘How (not) to Save the World‘ by Hosanna Wong.  For those of us who attended the Women’s District Conference last November, Hosanna was one of the  incredible speakers.  Hosanna will also be a speaker again at this year’s conference.  Please indicate on the sign-up list if you need a book.  Cost of the book is $12.00.  If you need a scholarship for the book, please see Anna.  We want all to be able to participate regardless of the price of the book. We will have a potato bar and desserts. See you there ladies!  It’s always a great time.  This year’s theme is “Summer Reflections.”


Annual Women of Purpose Fall Conference

The Assemblies of God’s Annual District WOP Conference is just around the corner! It will be here before we know it! Registration is open and there is a sign-up sheet in the upper foyer if you are interested. Rooms at the Hershey Lodge are not open for registration yet but please indicate if you will want a single room or 2, 3 or 4 to a room.  More information will be provided.  At this time we are just gauging interest.  This will be Liz DeFrain’s last year as  Penn-Del District Women’s Director, and it will be nice to be there for her. This year’s theme is entitled, Inspire, and will be held Friday and Saturday, November 10 and 11 (with the option to attend Thursday night worship). Questions? See Anna. If they offer streaming, we will let you know.


Dover YTH Hot Dog Grab ‘N Go – Date Change

Our next Hot Dog Grab n Go is scheduled for Sunday, August 6 following the morning service. Donations are always appreciated! [Chips, dogs, buns, sodas, water, ice &  condiments). Come hungry!



Refrigerator Needed!

Our church is in desperate need of a refrigerator with freezer for the church kitchen.  The current one has a broken freezer.  If anyone knows of anyone donating or selling one, please see Pastor or Anna.


Sisters of Sonlight – Hemlata

Our sponsored child from India has graduated the One Child program.  We were blessed to sponsor Hemlata for 14 years. Your giving to her sponsorship enabled her to learn about Jesus, provided meals and laid the foundation in Christ that she will have as she continues on in her future.  Thank you. And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Matt 25:40 



Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us in person for worship.

  • Marian T.
  • Olga K.
  • Beulah S.
  • Mary S.
  • Rose K.