August 28, 2022
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:00 pm ~ Women’s Book Club Fellowship
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
Youth Hot Dog Grab N Go – TODAY!
Youth Hot Dog Grab ‘N Go! Please support our youth ministry for the upcoming Youth Convention at Kalahari Oct. 8, 9. 10. Pricing is $1.00 per hot dog / $1.00 per drink / .50 cents per bag of chips / Donations accepted! Would like to sponsor a teen? See Pastor Savy.
Deacon Board Meeting
Just a reminder that our September meeting will be the 2nd Monday due to Labor Day. See you at 6:00pm.
Church Picnic
Please mark your calendars for church service, followed by a picnic on Sat., Sept. 11. We will meet at 10:30 am for worship service at Brookside Park Pavilion (no Sunday School that day). Please sign up in the lower foyer how many adults and how many children and what covered dish you can bring. (Meat dish will be provided by the church) Sides are listed on the sign-up sheet. See you there!
Update: Dover Township Meeting
Pastor Jeff and the deacon board attended the township meeting on Monday Aug., 22, concerning the plans for the intersection at Harmony Grove. The blue prints are still not solidified, but the plans call for a traffic circle to be placed at the intersection of Harmony Grove and Carlisle Rds. The exact position is still not confirmed, but it will be a reality in the future, and will affect some of our church property. The road they are planning to put through the church property was not discussed at Monday’s meeting. Not much else was discussed as the Township needs state approval before any plans are put in stone.
Men’s Conference
All men are invited to join us for a District Men’s Conference to be held at Christian Life Assembly in Camp Hill on Fri., Oct. 14 in the evening and then Sat., Oct. 15 in the morning. You may attend one session or both. Sign-up is in the lower foyer and please indicate which service/s you would like to attend. Invite a friend who doesn’t know the Lord!
Men’s Breakfast
Come join the men as we meet for a great time of fellowship and food. We’ll meet at Dover Family Restaurant at 8:00 on Sat Sept 3. Sign up in the lower foyer!
Praise, Worship & Prayer Night
Plan on attending, adults, teens, kids! Want a night of praising and worshipping our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Mark your calendars for Fri., Sept. 23 at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary.
Franklin Graham God Loves You Tour
Sun., Sept. 25 at 4:00 pm at the York Fairgrounds. Start handing out the bus invites (in your Bulletin today and more on the back table) to this free event. This is the perfect time to invite all those unsaved friends and family you have been praying for! Hell is real! We want all our unsaved loved ones spending eternity in Heaven with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! The time is short – this is a great evangelistic opportunity. Every day at 3:16 (as in John 3:16) take a minute or so to pray for this event!
Women’s Book Club Fellowship
For those of you who have been reading our summer book, “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” by Lysa Terkeurst, just a reminder we will be meeting at Jesse Geisinger’s house on Fri., Sept. 2 at 6:00 pm. We will have a potato and chili bar. Please let Jesse know what you can bring.
Women’s Jewelry Exchange & Dinner
If we have enough interest, we will have a jewelry exchange on Fri., Sept 9 at 6:00 pm in the church fellowship room. Cost is $5.00 per person to help offset the price of the Olive Garden meal we will be serving. Sign-up sheet is in the upper foyer.
Women’s Fall Event at Dover Assembly
Save-the-Date for Fri., Oct. 14 at 6:30 pm. Please join us for an evening of dessert, fellowship and encouragement from the Bible shared by our very own Judy Landis! Sign-up sheet is in the upper foyer. More information will be provided.
Special Thanks!
To those of you who have donated to the meal ministry and to those who have provided homemade meals. What a blessing you are! Also, thank you to all of you who donated toward the backpacks for Romania! We know the children will be blessed! “
. . . Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers (and sisters) of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25.40
To Darlene & Tom O. on the birth of their 5th grandchild, Elijah Osborn. Proud parents are Alex & Paige!
Prayer & Fast Nights
A reminder that Pastor Jeff and Dover Assembly have prayer and fast nights in the Sanctuary on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month. Please join us! The Lord is doing great things! Items of specific prayer include:
- Salvations of Loved ones, family, friends.(2 Peter 3:9)
- Revival
- Church property that the township wants to take. The battle belongs to the Lord!
Shut Ins
Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship. From time to time, please send a card to encourage them!
- Marian T.
- Olga K.
- Beulah S.
- Mary S.
- Joyce G.
Sept 5 ~ Shirley M.
Sept 17 ~ Olga B.
Sept 19 ~ Cindy N.
Sept 27 ~ Zachary K.
Sept 28 ~ Chris J.
Sept 8 ~ Gary & Connie L.
Sept 17 ~ Bobbi Jo & Todd B.