August 7, 2022

Welcome to Dover Assembly!

We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.




9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
~ Welcome Gil Tunney-Guest Speaker
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service


6:30 pm ~ Worship Practice




6:30 pm ~ Prayer Night


7:00 pm ~ Young Adults Devo & Chill


6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service



New Life for Girls

The ladies from New Life will be ministering in our morning   service on Sunday, Aug 14. Be sure to mark your calendars and be here to support this awesome ministry!


Dover Township Meeting

Pastor Jeff and the deacon board will be attending the next township meeting on Monday Aug., 22, concerning the intersection at Harmony Grove. Pray for God’s will and wisdom as we hear the township and state plans for our property!


Movie Night

Women of Purpose is sponsoring a movie night scheduled for Friday, Aug 19 at 7:00pm (Michael Jr Comedy video). All are welcome! If you are interested in enjoying fellowship, popcorn and a movie then sign up in the upper foyer.


WOP Summer Book Club

What Happens When Women say Yes to God. Lysa Terkeurst

Cost is $13 per book. If you need a scholarship, see Anna. We don’t want anyone to miss out!

WOP Book Club Fellowship is rescheduled to, Fri., Sept 2, 6 pm  at Jesse’s house.


Women of Purpose Jewelry Night

Mark your calendars for Friday, Sept., 9. All ladies are invited to this special night. Dinner will be provided by Olive Garden. Cost will be $5.00 per person. More info to come!


Women of Purpose Special Event

Keep marking those calendars for Friday, Oct 14! This event will feature Judy Landis as our speaker. More info is forthcoming on this event as well! Be sure to invite a friend!


Franklin Graham Is Coming!

Mark your calendar for York’s “God Loves You Tour”, which will give the lost an opportunity to know Jesus and encourage believers in their faith. The free evening will feature music by a guest artist and a message from Franklin Graham.

Night of Worship and Prayer for the ‘God Loves You Tour’, at Genesis Church, 1405 Seven Valleys Road beginning at 6:30 pm on Tues., Aug. 16, York PA. Worship led by Freddy Washington, worship director at Times Square Church, NYC.

Christian Life and Witness Course; only 1 session (3 hour session) required for you to serve as a prayer team member at the crusade.  Pastor and Anna will be attending the Sat.., Aug. 20 session from 9:00 am – Noon at Church of the Open Door.


Men’s Conference

That’s right, the guy are also having their very own conference. It will be held at Christian Life A/G in Camp Hill  Oct 14-15. If you are interested, please sign up in the lower foyer!


Youth Hot Dog Grab N Go

In order to raise money for youth convention, the teens will be having a Hot Dog Grab ’n Go following the morning service on Aug 28. If you are able to donate hot dogs or buns, please see Pastor Savy.




To Pastor Luis on being a part of the swearing in ceremony and receiving full U.S. citizenship this past Thursday. Congratulations and welcome, Pastor Luis!


Prayer & Fast Nights

A reminder that Pastor Jeff and Dover Assembly have prayer and fast nights in the Sanctuary on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month.  Please join us!  The Lord is doing great things! Items of specific prayer include:

  • Salvations of Loved ones, family, friends.(2 Peter 3:9)
  • Revival
  • Church property that the township wants to take. The battle belongs to the Lord!


Summer Day Trip, Anyone?

Anyone interested in taking a trip with Pastor and Anna to the  Bible Museum in Washington DC this summer? Sign up in the  upper foyer.


Shut Ins

Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship. From time to time, please send a card to encourage them!

  • Marian T.
  • Olga K.
  • Beulah S.
  • Mary S.